Friday, January 31, 2020

Nude a day 31: I'm taking a break

Pastel and water colour on white paper. 22 x 36 cm
She's half stretching, half leaning (is there a word for this?) I've combined water colour and pastel – not a clever combination but I reached in haste for whatever effects I could put down speedily. Water colour is transparent, pastels opaque, and it's a bit like a bacon and meringue sandwich. Not a good combination.. but I do like the air of arrogance or peace about the picture. Pastels are best on textured tones paper – avoid white paper, like I used here,

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Nude a day 30: Holding my toe

Brown pastel on white paper, 31 x 29 cm
I like the very simple line on this one. Has she got a splinter? She looks a bit in pain. We can't always smile for our pictures, so this is different.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Nude a day 29 Light-hearted thoughts

Water soluble crayons and water. 24 x 49 cm
Often I imagine what the model is thinking or saying and that becomes the title, as it has here. Did you look at “Nude a day 22 Arm on Red bar”? I used these water soluble crayon blocks, called “Aqua Brique” for the first time on that painting, and I've used them here for the second time. They were very different from anything I have used before. I marked the paper with the block . There was an explosion of colour as I touched the marks with water, a wonderful volcanic eruption of art.

On this picture I used subtlety (you WHAT!!??) and moments later I ran parts of the picture under a gentle stream of tap water. I enjoy these sorts of adventures. The colours are very crude. Enjoy, (especially my granddaughter Natasha and my niece Sophie who like coloured nudes.)

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Nude a day 28: Curly hair on top

Charcoal. 20 x 27 cm
A two-minute pose. Very quick just time to put the basics down with a stick of charcoal. Please excuse the crumpled paper.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Monday, January 27, 2020

Nude a day 27: Bulbs to plant

Charcoal on white paper. 22x41 cm
I like to draw figures working on an activity. He is sorting a bowl of bulbs before planting. This loose charcoal technique portrays the heavy body of a well-built man.
I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Nude a day 26: Red curls tossed back

Pastel on sand coloured pastel paper. 35 x 22 cm

15 minute pose. I use the charcoal very lightly and get into a mess with my hands. I clean my work with a putty eraser which you can shape into sharp points for detail. With a putty eraser there is a different technique for using it. You don't go left to right, You press it down and lift it up and it lifts the charcoal off the paper.

This is more a drawing than a painting because of the colours and the paper colour. The charcoal outline is more of a drawing. I like the way her profile is balanced by her mass of curly hair.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Nude a day 25: Cheek on my arm

Charcoal on white paper. 25.5 x 40 cm

Charcoal is so versatile and will give you all the depths and subtleties of a black and white photograph. The black can be so intense a black and the delicate softest smudges like a faint drift of smoke almost invisible, fine and delicate. You can draw with so delicate a touch the charcoal almost floats over the surface or with such energy the charcoal splutters into fragments as you draw the fine line. Yet it is so very inexpensive. Sometimes I draw with a chunk out of a spent bonfire. That is so unpredictable, it is quite an adventure. The final result can be fixed with an aerosol spray. The drawing will not fade or darken for an extremely long time.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Friday, January 24, 2020

Nude a day 24: My poodle hat

Pastel on grey pastel paper 32 x 31.5 cm
I like my green fluffy pom-pom hat, they call it a poodle. I like the warm highlight falling on the side of the face and arm and the warm reds and oranges of the upholstery.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Nude a day 23: Tonight I'll go dancing

Charcoal, 29.5 x 41 cm
Sitting on a low stool with ankles crossed. I really liked this pose. It showed the beauty of the human body. I feel pleased to have the opportunity to do what I do.
I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colour

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Nude a day 22: Arm on red bar

Five-minute pose. Water-soluble crayon and water plus brush on water-colour paper. 21 x 36 cm

I did this three days ago at lightning speed with sticky crayons and a nice heavy piece of water colour paper, water and a paint brush. I'm pleased with the result. Just the gesture.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Monday, January 20, 2020

Nude-a-day 20: Cutting the branches

Charcoal on white paper 38.5 x 29.5 cm

He's having to use force on those stubborn branches! This is a two-minute pose, The gesture is all. He moves on. No detail – just essentials.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Nude-a-day 19: After exercise

Pastel on grey pastel paper 29 x 41 cm

Here I like the shoulders pushed up as her arms take her weight, and the buttocks pouching against the red bar.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Nude-a-day 18: Looking out to sea

Charcoal drawing 28 x 27 cm

Here I have darkened the area to the right of her back to emphasise the light falling on it from the right. I sometimes draw a little sun to remind me the direction of the source of the light. This is a 15 minute pose.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Friday, January 17, 2020

Nude-a-day 17: Planning the day

Pastel on yellow paper 29 x 28.5 cm

I ask myself "What is my figure thinking" and I use and I use the answer as a title for my picture. I used the light yellow colour of the paper as a flesh tone most noticeable on her upper body. I use the texture of the paper to break up the pastel strokes thus allowing it to happen.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh 

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Nude-a-day 16: Wondering about my future

Charcoal drawing 29 x 45 cm

My model is very supple. The light is coming from the left. I like this pose.
hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.!)

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Nude-a-day 15:A well earned rest

Pastel and water colour 41 x 19 cm

I use the light yellow paper colour for a base for the flesh tones adding red-brown pastel drawing.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Nude-a-day 14: Sitting cross-leged

Pastel on grey pastel paper 26 x 37

Seated nude on a white quilt. Once again I have used the loose pastel strokes to allow the grey paper to add to the flesh tones, The pastel colours on the flesh are dark brown (right foot), red earth (legs), light red (torso), with highlights of cadmium red, for a lighter shade. Black for the hair and background. Imagine if the paper were black – the flesh tones would look really different.
I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Monday, January 13, 2020

Nude-a-day 15: A well earned rest

Pastel and water colour 41 x 19 cm

I use the light yellow paper colour for a base for the flesh tones adding red-brown pastel drawing.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Nude-a-day 13: Reaching for apples

Charcoal drawing 22 x 31 cm - 3 minute pose.

I like to caputre action in my drawings and as Tom pics fruit I capure the look of his stretch up into the branches.
I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Nude-a-day 12: Sleeping in a pink light

Pastel on grey-green pastel paper 42 x 36 cm
Sonia is lying on a yellow quilt with her head resting on a red pillow. Notice the pinkish highlights coming from the left side, with a light yellow light from the right. You can see the paper colour coming through. mostly on her left shin.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Nude-a-day 11: Looking back

Charcoal on cream paper 31.5 x 30 cm

I've made the background dark for contrast as the light was falling on the left side of the legs.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Friday, January 10, 2020

Nude-a-day 10: Smoking break

Pastel on brown pastel paper, 23x29 cm.

I used the brown pastel paper as a dark flesh tone to contrast with the light pink highlights. I think the strong brown paper works well as a shadow colour on the flesh.  I think this picture looks fun and cheeky.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year, we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art -  Videos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Nud-a-day 9: Yes I've got a great idea

Charcoal on white pastel paper 22 x 30 cm

"Yes I've got a great iea" that is what she seems to be saying to me. A standing full-frontal nude in a five-minute pose. In a five minute pose you have time to make a gesture drawing which captures the feeling and personality of the model.

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email to me at the address above. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Nude-a-day 8: My favourite song

Pastel on light pastel paper 32 x 37.5 cm

In many of the pictures that I will be posting this week, I have noticed the way I allow the paper colour to enhance the flesh tones. 
is paper is very rough textured. Look at her right arm and see how I have the let the light grey of the paper show through all down her arm.
Here, th A white quilt covers her easy chair with green tones behind her. I really like this pose, the legs swinging one way, and the hips, head, and torso looking in the other direction

These reproductions of my paintings are photographs and there is a slight colour difference – for instance the paper colour on the original looks to me a light yellow-grey, in the photo it is grey!

I hope you have liked the pictures so far. If you liked any of them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Anyway, please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or via email. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life "Colourful World of Jeanie"

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Nude-a-day 7: Apple blossom time

Pastel on grey pastel paper. 32x24 cm

The red-haired model kneels on the grass looking up with her hands on a grass ground.

Thoughts after the first week

I really love to “draw from life.” I have done this since I was 16 and I'm now 83. As I draw I am in deep meditation and every time I feel different.I can't guess how my work will go,It has its own rules and I am just so excited at where it takes me. It's like going on an adventure. The results are not “Good” or “Bad”. The results aren't as important to me as the actual experience of creating.

I hope you like this series of nude studies. If you like them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Please let me know what you think by commenting. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Monday, January 6, 2020

Nude-of-day 6: Ths swing of the dance

Charcoal on white paper. 29.5 x 41 cm
I like the swing of the body as she flows with the dance she loves to dance and it shows in her body poses.
I intend to post one nude study a day during January and February I hope you like them. If you like them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at
Please let me know what you think by commenting. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Nude-a-day 5: Tom digging

Sumi (Japanese black ink) drawing, 27.5x40 cm.

I felt powerful as I drew with the sumi (Japanese black ink) and big brush.  I diluted the ink for this study.

Sometimes I feel it is like bungee jumping when I work, taking risks, there is no going back.  It's scary and exciting and you have a picture at the end.

I hope you like this series of nude studies. If you like them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog or by email. As we did last year, we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Nude-a-day 4: Relaxing with a book


Charcoal on white paper, 41 x 20 cm.  A girl lies and reads a book.

I intend to post one nude study a day during January and February I hope you like them. If you like them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at
Please let me know what you think by commenting. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Friday, January 3, 2020

Nude a day 3: Gemma sitting in sunlight

Charcoal on cream paper – this was a fourteen-minute pose. Drawing 37 x 29.5 cm

I intend to post one nude study a day during January and February I hope you like them. If you like them enough, you can buy the original: £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at

Please let me know what you think by commenting. As we did last year we will raffle away two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.  

Jeanie Mellersh
My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Nude-a-day 2: Sonia sleeping

Study is 35.5 x 27cm. Pastel, water colour and ink. 
I chose the light grey pastel paper to work with the flesh tones, ink and brush for detail. Then, when it dried, soft pastel for the cushions and quilt allowing the paper texture to show.
I intend to post one nude study a day during January and February I hope you like them. If you like them enough, you can buy the original £100 unframed plus P & P. Email me for more information at
Please let me know what you think by commenting either on the blog here or by email. As we did last year, we will raffle two prints among those who comment. So start commenting for a chance for a prize.

Jeanie Mellersh

My Links: Art - www.jeanie.mellersh.orgVideos about my life"Colourful World of Jeanie"