Friday, May 24, 2019

Lyndhurst Exhibition pictures - May & June 2019

This is a collection of the pictures I have in the Lyndhurst Art exhibition in May 2019.  Where one picture in the exhibition is part of a series, the complete series is shown in this blog post although it is not in the exhibition.  Go to the exhibition if you are local and let me know what you think. All the pictures are for sale.  I hope you want a few!

Framed pictures: Two sitting nudes adjusting their hair

Framed pictures: Two sleeping nudes

Sleeping nude on a blue quilt


Another sleeping nude on a blue quilt

In the racks and cards: Goshawk Chicks

These pastel paintings were done live at the Lyndhurst Nestcam on the Christchurch road last year.  This is the whole series.  Only the adult feeding the chicks is at the Lyndhurst exhibition.

In the racks and cards: Man building a wall

This picture is one of five drawings.  The complete set has the man in five positions from crouching to standing with his arms above his head.  above is the Youtube video in which the 5 pictures are animated. Below is the fthecomplete series of pictures.

In the racks and cards: Nude Forest

This is an in ipad painting which I did one day when sitting in the forest near Minstead.  The nude was added (also on the ipad) afterwards.  The video shows the process of painting - stroke by stroke.

Click on the video below to see how the forest drawing was created stroke by stroke.  I use my finger when I paint on the ipad. 

In the racks and cards: Twitter art exhibition postcard 

This is a postcard that I prepared for the Twitter art exhibition TAE19  in Edinburgh in aid of Art in Healthcare.  It is based of a previous portrait of them done by me.  We like to think of them having happy times.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Two drawings during breast feeding

Here are two drawings I made as I breast-fed my first child, Paul. On the first one, he is at my right breast.  My right arm cradles his head as he lays across my lap, and my right hand holds my sketchbook.  My left hand holds the pencil, as I am left-handed.

On the lower picture my baby is on the left breast, my left arm cradles his head and my left hand holds the sketchbook,  My right hand holds the pencil and it is not quite so easy to draw as I am not right-handed.

I am wondering if this set of two drawings is unique. Are there more drawings of the mother's/artist's eye view of breast feeding, and have been done as the baby actually fed.

I remember my baby gazing into my eyes and smiling constantly as he drunk. Then he stopped to smile and gaze at me - so sweet! I'm so glad I made these drawings.  It was summer 1960 in Waddington, Lincolnshire and my baby was 8 weeks old.