Sunday, January 31, 2016

Nude of the week 35. Four very quick gesture drawings on the ipad





If you like these you might enjoy my video on how I believe Hockney did one of his Ipad paintings. It's here on youtube

PS.  The flute book I wrote with Robin Soldan will soon be available as an ebook.  To follow it's progress go to

PPS>New poem up now on the sister blog

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Nude of the week 34: Two nudes together for the new year

The intense shadow enhances the light tone of the flesh and helps to show the three dimensional asppects.

I'm thinking of selling some of my artwork on Etsy.  Can anyone give me any advice or opinions on this.

Don't forget to look at the sister blog"Poem a Week" which has a fun poem about a kid becoming a famous footballer at the moment see
Two for the price of one this week!