Sunday, December 4, 2016

New exhibition: Ipad pictures of trees around the year

I'm exhibiting my ipad paintings at the moment. A set of paintings of trees around the New Forest throughout the year.  In Minstead Church for another week and I will post them up here one by one for the next few weeks. They look really good and you can buy any of them at any size you like.

Above is a picture of a tree not far from us and a forest pony,one of my first ipad paintings.This huge oak is very old. As I sat painting, this white pony  was grazing nearby, and came right up to me, so I had no choice and painted it in.   Below is a link to a video of another picture that shows one of the paintings being created stroke by stroke.  (At last Nick has found a way of recording this that keeps the colours looking good and where you can control the speed.  Also there is a small copy of the finished picture at the bottom right so you can understand what is happening better.)

PS:  My flute book - Illustrated Fluteplaying-  should be out before Christmas (2016) in the new ebook edition from Just Flutes.  More news soon.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Nude of the week - Guest: Lucy Mellersh's Abstract Nude and exhibition

This is an abstract nude by our daughter Lucy who is making a name for herself as a sculptor in Germany where she lives near Munich.  The head and the arm are curved round in a rather beautiful shape.  There are more views and a description in her blog post. For the relevant post click here .

This week, September 9 2016, her sculptures are being exhibited in Haimhausen near Munich, let's hope some of our readers are near there and will go and take a look.  Details are here 

Another of her projects are views of a breast feeding baby as seen by it's mother.
Our news is that Illustrated Fluteplaying e-book edition is taking off.  More news later.  There's a good movie of Jeanie Mellersh and Robin Soldan talking about the history of the book and future plans that you can watch here:

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Drawing Children: I've been drawing children for over 70 years - here are a few examples

A mother hugs her 3 year old child. I love the sculptural shape and will one day do a sculpture based on it

My grand daughter plays in the sand in New Zealand

A boy models for a story book written by his aunt.  Someone had just made and impossible request and he reacts/.

These are three drawings of children that I like.  All done at different times and in different styles.  Below is the YouTube video that I did of the exhibition.  I really like it.  I hope you do. There is also a website at


P/S.  We are working on the ebook version of Illustrated Fluteplaying.  It will be out soon see

And don't forget my husband's poetry blog at 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Nudes of the week: Some of my work on show in Lyndhurst - May 29 to June 5

Busy framing up pictures for the exhibition in Lyndhurst.  Some of them have appeared on the blog some of them not. The exhibition will be in the community centre at Lyndhurst 29th May to June 5, 10 am to 5 pm - closing 3pm on 5 June.  Called the" Centre Exhibition."  The pics from the figure drawing group will be at the end of the building in the large room at the left.  No nudes in the main hall!  Or at any rate none by me.

Hope you will go and have a look if you are in the New Forest area (in the South of England).  The ones on this blog post are framed but there's also a chance to buy unframed drawings and prints of mine.

The framed pictures ready for display.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Nude of the week 39: Nude in bright colours

This is a quick sketch in bright colours that I like.
I began painting with a large brush using dilute gouache on rough water colour paper.  Then I painted fluid outlines using fine brush and dilute Sumi ink.  As it dried, I worked with Inktense blocks (a form of solid ink), green, blue, red.
I saw cool green colours in the shadow of the flesh and warm orange highlights creating a line of shadow in the areas where they met.  I worked into this with clear water and a brush.
I wanted this painting to show the cool shadows and orange and blue-green as complementaries creating a dull grey natural shadow when mixed.
I love the way her feet intertwine.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Nude of the week 38: See the nude drawn stroke-by-stroke

Click on the video and you can see the nude below painted stroke by stroke. The picture was painted on the iPad. I found it really interesting to see how I had done it.  Hope you find it interesting too.  We hope to produce another video that will show how to use Brushes app on the ipad to produce pictures like this.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Nude of the week 37: Two ipad nudes and a video of a painting being drawn

Here are a couple of life drawings I did on the ipad a week or so ago.  Forty five minutes and twenty minutes respectively. One of the joys of ipad painting is that, when you have drawn the picture, you can see it recreated stroke by stroke as a sort of movie.  We have just bought a new telly and this means we can project the picture onto a large screen and see the action there.

We now find that we can then film the result and slow it down so that the way a picture is constructed can be watched and I can talk about it as it happens.  The first picture we did this with was a sketch of a young girl on her second birthday and the video of this is below,  We are in the process of making a similar video about one of the nudes above and will show that to you in the next post.  Meanwhile here is the first film we made using this process.  It really shows how an ipad picture is made. The technique is still a bit wobbly and there is a loss of clarity because it is a photo of a photo.  If anyone knows how to do this better we would love to know but despite the problems the result is really interesting.
This is the pic. The link to the video is below.

Other things we hope you will like
You could look at Nick's blog a poem a week at currently a slightly naughty poem but about to change soon.  Or my daughter's sculpting, she's just done a couple of small bronze figures or the film mad by our nephew which is a lot of fun about revenge on the bankers (wishful thinking probably!)

Friday, February 19, 2016

Nude a week 36: Nude reclines arms akimbo

A study in gouache I did the other day.  I enjoyed drawing the curving black lines in Sumi ink using a small pheasant feather as a brush.

PS:  Illustrated Fluteplaying, the book I co-authored with Robin Soldan will soon be out as an ebook.  See for more about this,  Oh yes and see the naughty poem I got for a valentine at

PPS  My daughter Lucy has recently created a couple of amazing bronze women nudes. A picture is below.  You can see more and learn about the process of creating a bronze from her blog.
Bronze by daughter Lucy Mellersh.  Learn more at her blog  

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Nude of the week 35. Four very quick gesture drawings on the ipad





If you like these you might enjoy my video on how I believe Hockney did one of his Ipad paintings. It's here on youtube

PS.  The flute book I wrote with Robin Soldan will soon be available as an ebook.  To follow it's progress go to

PPS>New poem up now on the sister blog

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Nude of the week 34: Two nudes together for the new year

The intense shadow enhances the light tone of the flesh and helps to show the three dimensional asppects.

I'm thinking of selling some of my artwork on Etsy.  Can anyone give me any advice or opinions on this.

Don't forget to look at the sister blog"Poem a Week" which has a fun poem about a kid becoming a famous footballer at the moment see
Two for the price of one this week!