Friday, October 30, 2015

Nude of the week 29: Seated nude painted yesterday

Painted yesterday using conté on toned paper, the paper showing through to produce the flesh tones. The paper was sand coloured ingres paper and was not so grey as the paper in the reproduction.  I spent longer on this than I do on most of the sketches shown in this blog.

Last weekend was spent with my family and I drew two of my great nieces.  Lily and Georgia.  They are the grandchildren of my youngest sister and very beautiful little girls they are too.  Both were drawn with blue chalk as they moved around and lived their lives..
Georgia 18 months eating her breakfast
Lily, 4 today,October 30, 2015.  Happy birthday
Apologies over videos not showing in past posts. We have just discovered that the animations we put in various posts don't work on a lot of devices (including my ipad!).  My husband Nick is working to fix this problem and updating the various posts.  He is also working on his dad's World WarOne books which we are publishing as e-books see
The video of the man standing in the last post but one can be seen on YouTube if you click here

Friday, October 23, 2015

Nude a week 28: Three colour acrylic of a seated nude

I painted this a few days ago.  I painted it in three layers using acrylic on  watercolour paper.  I began using just yellow, then I worked with cyan, and finished with dilute magenta.

I like the effect of the yellow showing through and the colours blending in the shadows and the darkest shadows blending of the three colours.  This was a quick pose, drawn from life.

Below you can see the covers which I designed for three interesting ebooks written by my father in law, H E L Mellersh.  They are now available on Kindle, ipad etc.  You can learn more at

Friday, October 16, 2015

Nude of the week 27: Animation of a nude man standing up

Man Working. 1
This is a dark brown drawing of a man.  It is one of a series of five drawn approximately from the same angle. He stoops to the ground, picks up a stone, lifts it, stands, and places it high up.  We have put them together to make a nice little animation. All very quick  2 minute  sketches or so.
Click on the arrow below to watch the video.It's much better on full screen so click on the little square thing at the bottom right of the video.

 If the video does not show above on your tablet or phone click here to view it on YouTube

PS: The ebooks of Nick's father;s World War One Books are now published after ages of struggle.  Jeanie did the covers.  See below.  There's much  more at

Monday, October 5, 2015

Nude of the week 26: Man sits and thinks - and a vicar with clothes on

Black and white chalk on brown pastel paper.  An old man sits and ponders. 

Below is a picture of vicar with clothes on some of which I made.

James is happy with his new colourful stole given to him at harvest festival.
 Here is a picture of me and our vicar James.  I had just given James the new stole that I made from silk.  It is made from the silk ends cut off before making saris. 

I cut the pieces and arranged them in pairs into their separate colours.  Then I saw which colours wanted to go together and put the dark ones at the bottom to give it weight and the lighter warm colours at the top.  For the small cape at the back I wove the orangey colours together and it is all backed with deep red silk.  The edges were secured with a zigzag machine stitch.